An article written in The Telegraph on 1st November 2018, cited the fact that there were almost 6,000,000 new or long-standing cases of stress; anxiety or depression in 2017/18. This resulted in a total of 15.4 million working days being lost, up from 12.5 million in 2016/17. The article continues by stating that this accounts for 57.3% of all working days lost to illness, according to figures released by the Health and Safety Executive.
The second most prevalent workplace illnesses were Musculoskeletal disorders, with 469,000 workers suffering from new or long-standing musculoskeletal conditions in 2017/18, accounting for 6.6 million days lost to illness.
At EJHE, we have pooled together all of our collective and individual strengths (and modalities) to provide a wholistic solution to this problem for both Employers and their staff: to give them the tools to bring employees back into a state of Health and Wellness - Physically; Mentally; Emotionally and Spiritually.
All of our Workplace Wellness Programmes have been especially created to provide specialist Health & Wellbeing Services to Businesses in the UK and Sweden, in order to help enable their staff to attain and maintain optimum physical; mental and emotional wellness. We will work with you on a bespoke basis to create the most effective programme for you and your staff, whilst working to the budget you have set for Health and Wellbeing of your employees.
We are also aware, of course, that “time” is also a factor and thus we can work with you to optimise the programmes so you and your staff can gain the maximum benefit from any programme we create.
We have done this by creating the following components, which can be used as stand-alone services or in conjunction with each other to create the programme that best suits you and your employees.
Please click on any of the following links to not only read more about the individual components, but also have access to some of the many scientific-based reports of their efficacity and proven track-record in reducing stress; anxiety; musculoskeletal disorders as well as other serious conditions such as managing pain; diabetes; fibromyalgia; M.E.; and much more:-