What are Bespoke Preparations? These are preparations, which are made from intuitively-selected Gem, Herb and Flower Essences from my whole range of individual products, e.g. Hawthorn Berry; Cleavers; Fire Opal etc.
When I started making my first Gem Elixirs in 2006, everything was bespoke! A friend would pop over and would need something, so I would intuitively create something for them there and then. We'd then look up in my Gemstone Bible and discover that what I had chosen was exactly what they needed for where they were right then (often I had no idea of ancillary things going on in their life).
Fast-forwarding to the present day, in my Serenity Room, I now have 55 EJHE Gem Elixirs and 27 EJHE Herb and Flower Essences, both Mother Tinctures (where the original gemstone or herb/flower has been in the preparation) and High Vibration (like homeopathy - a specific number of the Mother Tincture drops are placed in a 50ml Green Glass bottle, and then Vodka/Spring Water mix is added to preserve it and create an Elixir, which is then energised to a specific frequency. Not all of the elixirs are in the High Vibration Ranges I have created, nor are they all in the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir or the EMF-AI Eliminator Set and sometimes you may well need to have a bespoke set or just an elixir, energy spray or healing cream made for you at this precise moment in time. This could be a combination of Mother Tinctures and High Vibrations - (I will intuit this element for you, as well as any combination essential oils if you require an Energy Spray or Healing Cream.)
Increasingly, I have had people in need of Bespoke Preparations in situations where none of the "standard" sets I have created were appropriate. I therefore felt it was time to create a Bespoke Area on the Website.
So, if you feel this is the right way forward for you right now, either, you can follow the instructions below to intuitively choose the individual items your inner self feels you need right now, OR you can contact me directly and we work together to create what it is you need, with me either intuiting for you, or speaking with you on the phone to help you tune-in to what you need at this time.
Alternatively, below are the instructions for you to intuit what it is you need (then go to the shop to purchase):-
Have a pen and paper (so you can write everything down)
EITHER Intuitively feel which numbers you need for the Gem Elixirs (there may be more than ones). Then do the same for the Herbal and Flower Essences - SEE below for full instructions on how to do this....
OR Go to the list of Gem Essences and Herb and Flower Essences and see which essences you feel drawn to, then write them down and go to the EJHE Shop to Bespoke Preparations and order what size you need and whether just an elixir, healing cream or energy spray, or all three and put your essence selection in the comments box at checkout.
Instructions for choosing numbers:-
(This is very easy to do. You just ask yourself “Do I need any Gem Elixirs? And, making sure you are not thinking too carefully about it, you will hear either a "yes" or "no" in your head pretty much immediately. This is your "soul" or "intuitive self".)
If it is "yes", then ask "What number do I need?" Whichever is the first number to come into your head is your intuitiion telling you what you need. Write this down, then ask "Do I need another Gem Elixir?" If you get a "yes", ask "which number?" Continue this on until you get the answer "no" for any more Gem Elixirs. Then do the same for the Herb and Flower Essences using the same method. This is your inner voice or in-tuition! Be sure to write down the answers, as I will need these in order to make your Bespoke Preparation(s). If you get nothing, please send me a private message via the Contact page, detailing your current cirumstances (and) health difficulties, and I will get back in touch with you in order to do all the intuiting for you and create exactly what you need. Here are the numbers of everything:-
Gem Elixirs:- Numbers 1 - 55
Herbal and Flower Essences:- Number 1 - 27
You then also need to feel into what kind of product you need
Do I need an Elixir?
Do I need a Healing Cream?
Do I need an Energy Spray?
Write this down, too....
Then, finally, tune into whether you feel you need
Do I need Small? (15ml Elixir; Energy Spray; Healing Cream)
Do I need Medium? (30ml Elixir; Energy Spray; Healing Cream)
Do I need Large? (100ml Elixir and Energy Sprays; 60ml Healing Cream)
Do this for each product e.g. Elixir then Energy Spray then Healing Cream (if you need more than one item)
With regards to the "smells" if you need a Healing Cream or Energy Spray, I can tune-in to what combination is best for you.
When you have everything written down, and know what you need (including the size), please order the products and sizes you need and put the numbers in theComments Box at Checkout. E.g. if you chose number 1, 7 and 9 for Gem Elixirs and 18, 21 and 25 for Herb and Flower Essences, put Gem Elixirs: 1, 7 & 9. Herb and Flower Essences 18, 21 & 25.
As part of your letter from me, I will give full details of all the Essences and Elixirs you have intuitively been drawn to through the numbers chosen, so that you have a full understanding of their benefits and this, in turn, will most probably lead you to understand why you chose them! As part of the service, I will also tune-in to whether or not you need Mother Tinctures and / or High Vibration Elixirs or a combination, and I will also write down your Bespoke Preparation "recipe" including how many drops of each had to go in. If you have also chosen sprays or creams, I will also give full details of the essential oils I choose for you intuitively and what their properties are. If you intuit that you need a cream, I wil also tune-in to which base oils are required, and will let you know accordingly. All ingredients will be written down, so that should you feel you need a repeat of this exact formula(s) I will be able to make it for you again.