Qigong, the “mother” of all the martial arts is a superb route to wellness; fitness and longevity. It is a 5,000-year old form of standing meditation. There are many different styles of Qigong to suit all personality types as well as health concerns – from physical to psychological.
(Click here for a science-based comprehensive review of the health benefits of both Qigong and Tai Chi)
A comprehensive book on Energy Medicine by Dr. James Oschman, a well-known scientist with a background in biophysics and biology, (Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis.) brings together evidence from a range of disciplines to provide an acceptable explanation for the energetic exchanges that take place in all therapies. It addresses a growing interest in the field of mind-body medicine and the role of natural "energy forces" within the body in maintaining normal health and wellbeing. This in turn has lead to interest in how these energies or forces may be channelled to assist in healing and the restoration of normal health.
Through our EJHE Workplace Wellness we can tailor bespoke workshops and programmes to suit all the needs of both you; your staff, and - very importantly - your budget.
With the continuing rise of work-related stress; anxiety and depression, leading to 15.4 million working days being lost in the UK in 2017/18 (up from 12.5 million the year before), it is more important than ever before to create a space for you and your staff to come back into a state of balance. (Source: The Telegraph 1st November 2018).
The aforementioned conditions have also been proven (in the 2013 EU Report on Health and Wellness at Work), in some cases, to lead to Type II Diabetes; Musculoskeletal conditions and Heart Disease. All of these conditions can be improved by regular Qigong. Obi C Agor says:-
"For my own part, I took up Qigong in my mid-to-late twenties, as a way of discovering whether or not I could “heal” from a lifelong affliction of debilitating health due to regular bouts of respiratory problems. Not only have I been free of such afflictions for over thirty years now, I have maintained optimum health and fitness due to my regular Qigong Practice.
When working with people, whether in a group situation or on a one-to-one with an individual suffering from psychological stress or a physical condition, I have always followed the following principle: In order to start the process towards attaining improved health; focus; calmness; increased creativity; renewed youthfulness and balance, it is firstly important that there is a slowing down of the mind, so as to better understand how best to create a new 'plan of action'.
Due to its very nature of “slow, deliberate movements and breaths”, it has been found that regular practice with Qigong or other standing meditations brings focus and “grounding” to both the mind and body. This “Earth” connection then enables you to effortlessly draw the energy of nature into your system, thus bringing you back into a state of balance. It has also been proven to remove you of the desire to eat or drink (consume) excessively (often as a form of compensation), as well as helping to enable you to reduce limiting habits. So it is thus also an awesome tool to use for continued weight maintenance / loss where required."
Qigong centres around the breath. Through sessions with Obi C Agor, you and your staff will learn to breathe in a new and mindful way, as well as be shown how you can nourish your body with loving intention. With thorough stretches, that will invigorate every niche of you all in a relaxed yet satisfying way. you will also be left with a broad smile on your face: an added bonus!
Qigong also forms part of our Pain Management Programmes for key staff members, as through the practice of visualisation and attention to the breath, it is possible to both alleviate and, in many cases, remove pain permanently from the body – and indeed the mind, as Pain can also be emotional!
It also forms part of ourSound Therapy Workshops and one-to-one sessions, as there are specific Qigong Sounds that can be used to bring the organs into the body, in conjunction with specific types of breath. This is both through the use of Qigong’s Six Healing Sounds, which use special sounds and movements to bring balance to the Lungs; Kidneys; Liver; Heart; Spleen and Triple Burner as well as special breathing techniques at the same time.
In an interview with LA Yoga, in 2018, Doctor Helen Lavetskyspeaks at length about Sound Healing.Dr. Helen Lavretsky is a Professor In-Residence in the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA and a geriatric psychiatrist with federally-funded research program in geriatric depression and integrative mental health (NIMH and NCCIH) using mnd-body interventions. She is a recipient of the Career Development award from NIMH and other prestigious research awards. Her current research studies include investigations of psychopharmacological treatment of geriatric depression, mild cognitive impairment and the use of Tai Chi and yoga for treatment and prevention of late-life mood and cognitive disorders. She is the Semel Scholar in Integrative Mental Health and the Director of the Late-life mood, stress and wellness program.
In the interview she adds credence to the way that we use Sound Therapy as part of our practice, as she alludes to both the use of the special Healing Sounds of Qigong (known as the Six Healing Sounds) as well as the use of Music Therapy in Clinical Practice where doctors are using music as a way to alleviate anxiety and pain.
We incorporate Qigong as part of ourSound Therapy sessions, as well as in its wider role as part of the full Workplace Wellness Programmes we create on a bespoke basis for companies, as well forming the principle aspect of the stand-alone Workplace Workout Workshops, which originated from Obi’s vision of how Qigong could be used on a regular basis in an office environment. He coined the term “Workplace Workout”.
It is said that the mind is extremely powerful and so, your state of (physical) being becomes a reflection of your state of mind. So, by changing this “mind-state” to a positive frequency, you can also change your physical reality……. What and where do you want to do/be next?