This Elixir was created initially in May 2021 as a bespoke elixir for a 24-week pregnant lady who wished to be protected from the effects of the “shedding” from vaccinated individuals following the roll-out of the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca injections. Like all my products, the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector is individually and personally energised at the time of making it for the specific person it is intended for.
As horseftail is in the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir, which should not be taken during pregnancy, I knew I needed to create a special elixir for her. As is my way, I “tuned in” to her baby, who guided me to several additional ingredients, as well as reducing / taking out other of the ingredients in the original Elixir I had already created.
The lady in question felt so wonderful whilst taking the drops, and fed back to me how much she noticed the difference in her general health and well-being when she had run out of the elixir. Go to Testimonials for the initial feedback I have been getting from her and others.
Like all my other High Vibrational Products, this Elixir has been crated intuitively. It is as equally powerful as the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir, and also contains additional ingredients that are in my Balance in Pregnancy Range (never made it into the Constellation Guidebook, but is made on an individual basis, so please contact me if you are drawn to finding out more). I will write up about it soon, I am sure, and add it into the High Vibrational Products! area
Similarly to the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir, it is also complex. This is due to the necessity of the high number of ingredients in this elixir, to counter the equally complex and potentially highly destructive nature of the “Vaccinations” – or, more accurately “Gene-altering Injections” that Millions of people around the world have either been encouraged or forced or coerced to have.; thus a highly complex solution was required, I feel, to combat and heal the effects for people who have been adversely affected by the injection or by coming into contact with someone who has been injected and finding themselves “infected” by the shedding of the nano-gene altering particles, which is now known to happen.
I created the original powerful Elixir after a dear friend had had “the jab” and was feeling rather peculiar and not at all well. After carrying out a QHHT Session with her (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), the guidance given was to make her an elixir. I had thought this was going to be my Magical Rejuvenation Elixir; however, when I returned home and began preparing to make this, on opening my cabinet which houses all the Mother Tinctures for both Gem Essences as well as the Flower Essences and Herbal Tinctures that I have created, I was drawn to my new Bloodstone Gem Essence, and was guided that I needed to make a Stock Bottle, from which the individual Elixirs for internal use will be made. So I set-to and started creating a 50ml Stock Bottle. The resulting elixir created exactly 50mls of concentrated Elixir.!
Similarly, when I created the first full 50ml Stock bottle of the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir, the resulting combined drops equalled exactly 50ml! Magic!!!
The Elixir is designed to both protect against - as well as physically remove - any poisons / toxins ingested into the body – whether you have had the jab or not, (we now understand that ‘un-jabbed’ persons can be ‘infected’ by the shedding of the nano-mRNA and AI (Astra Zenecca) debris coming off people who have had the jab. There have been many reports of severe adverse reactions in people, particularly women, who have had the jab or been around women who have, in relation to either their menstrual cycle; a big increase in sudden miscarriages as well as adverse menopausal reactions. There have also been many cases reported of healthy un-jabbed individuals who have suddenly gotten ill or been feeling very spaced out; discombobulated and generally in a malaise after discovering they had been in the company of someone who had been jabbed.
Then, of course there are those who have actually had the jab and are suffering on many levels – physically; spiritually; intuitively; emotionally and psychologically.
So this elixir is for both kinds of women who are pregnant: those who chose to have the injection and those who chose not to. It is wrong to call it a “vaccination” as it is Genetically-Modified Gene Therapy.
Click here to purchase. Need more? If you buy 3 Elixirs, you get a NEW 10% Discount! Put in 3ELIXIRS in the Coupon Code Box at Checkout.
Ingredients:- Mother Tinctures (these are where the original Gemstone; Flowers or Herbs have been in the mixture)
Bloodstone: as its name suggests, this crystal is a phenomenal blood purifier, as well as an energy cleanser; immune stimulator for acute infections, stimulating the flow of lymph; increasing the metabolism; reenergising the body and mind when they are exhausted; detoxes the liver, kidneys, spleen and bladder. It is said to benefit the blood-rich organs of our body, regulating and supporting blood flow and aiding the circulation. Its further properties include reducing the formation of pus and neutralising over-acidification. It is also helpful in cases of leukaemia, as it supports the blood and removes toxins. The ancient Egyptians used it to shrink tumours. Bloodstone has also been used to heal the ancestral line, as well as cleansing the lower chakras (energy centres), and realigning their energies.
Its properties also include helping on a mental level, by calming the mind; dispelling confusion and enhancing the decision-making process as it has the ability to re-energise the mind if you are mentally exhausted. It also helps you to adjust to unaccustomed circumstances.
Spiritually, it strengthens the intuition and increases creativity, as well as stimulating dreaming and banishing evil and negativity, instead directing spiritual energies to ensure our alignment with our soul is intact.
South African Jade Green Heart: brings balance into the heart; emanates peace & tranquillity; a stone of joyous love. As an elixir, it brings the deep green energy of the heart to all parts of the body, releasing emotional instability, particularly of irritability and impatience, replacing these feelings with peaceful joyousness. “Joy” is – vibrationally – higher than “Love”. One of the essential things for us to maintain, in order to ensure our connection with our Soul / Divine Self is intact, is the keep our vibration higher than “Love”. Dr David Hawkins, who wrote the book, ‘Power versus Force’, created what have become known as “Scalar Frequencies”. These are scientifically-calculated numbers between 0-1000, where at certain points these numbers resonate with certain emotional frequencies. So, for example, “fear” vibrates at ‘100’; whereas, “Love” vibrates at ‘500’, and Joy – above “Love” – vibrates at ‘540’. So, the reason why this beautiful stone was intuitively included, was for its high vibrational frequencies of Joyousness, to help enable us to maintain or re-increase our levels to “Love or Above” (500+). This is vitally important for all health, and especially so in relation to this new situation humankind finds themselves in.
Mookaite Jasper: brings into balance our inner and outer worlds. As an elixir, it enables your energy to be activated in gentle ways allowing you to move forward purposefully with deep, calm inner knowing as to which direction to take.
Green and Red Ocean Jaspers: arguably the most phenomenal healing gemstone I have ever had the pleasure to encounter! Amongst the many reasons why my Green and Red Ocean Jasper Essences are in this new Elixir are because on a physical level, they cleanse and eliminate toxins & poisons through the Lymphatic System; are Liver Tonics; anti-inflammatory; detoxify the body; are beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs. Spiritually, Ocean Jasper also heightens awareness; the circular patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. The Red Ocean Jasper is very grounding, which together with the green aspects (heart) and white (crown) bring all parts of our etheric energy body into balance.
(In addition to the above, the following information is taken from “The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual” by Michael Gienger)
Ocean Jasper healing qualities include:-
Rejuvenation; Regeneration; Immune System – strengthening of; cleansing and elimination through the Lymphatic System; Liver Tonic – strengthens liver; Cancer – greatest Gem Remedy to help eliminate Cancer; reducing abscesses;, allergies, nightmares, throat inflammation; alleviating eye disease; weak sightedness; helping with stomach ache; healing from leg ulcers; conjunctivitis; bladder problems; blisters; bronchitis; cellulite; intestinal problems; diabetes; detoxification; inflammations; colds; exhaustion; lowering fevers; fertility issues; tired feet; gall bladder problems; pains in the extremities; influenza; glaucoma; painful throat; hay fever; coughs; stimulation of the lymph system; migraine; middle ear inflammation; mouth problems; sinusitis; dermatitis; strengthening of the kidneys; oedemas; ear problems; fungal infections; enlarged prostate; thyroid gland problems; sleep problems; snoring; synovitis; nausea; growth problems; menopause; weather sensitivity and cysts.
Citrine: This beautiful stone carries the energy of the sun; healing and bringing into balance our three lower earth-based chakras – Base; Sacral and Solar Plexus, enabling us to act from a position of the “SELF” (Divine Self / Soul) in all our dealings with others – being truly in our divine power here on earth. It is the most cleansing of stones & is used to clear negative energies from other gemstones.
As an elixir, Citrine clears our physical and emotional bodies of negative traits and energies both from ourselves and others that we may have “picked up”. As it is also a stone of abundance, in Elixir form, it aligns our Divine Self's “knowing” that we deserve abundance in all forms with our lower ego-self that may have created unconscious blocks to attaining wealth in all areas of our lives.
Moonstone: This Gem Essence is made with three types of Moonstone: Black Moonstone Heart; Snowflake Moonstone and Rainbow Moonstone. It is a stone of new beginnings, strongly linked, of course to the moon and increasing our intuitive powers. It is fabulous at calming our emotions and helps us to refrain from overreacting to situations. It can also help enhance our natural psychic gifts and to develop clairvoyance. It is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy and balances male-female energies and is the perfect antidote for either an excessively macho man or aggressive woman. Mentally it opens us up to sudden impulses; serendipity and synchronicity. Emotionally, it soothes emotional instability and stress and stabilise the emotions. It provides deep emotional healing and heals disorders for the upper digestive tract, when they are related to emotional stress. It is known for balancing the hormonal system; stabilising fluid imbalances and re-attuning the biorhythmic clock.
Mother of Pearl: is a stress-relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming. As an Elixir, it stimulates your intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability; enables you to bring your emotions into balance and harmony; releases past hurts & enables you to express feelings of love to yourself and others.
Imperial Golden Topaz No.1: there are four Golden Topaz Essences, each made in antique cut-glass crystal bowls (befitting their “Imperial” heritage!). No.1 wished to be in this powerful Elixir. They are said to recharge you spiritually & physically, linking you to the highest universal forces! When drinking an elixir of these stones, I feel my lower three chakras come back into balance, before shooting golden energy up to my crown chakra & aligning all points in-between. The great news is that these wonderful stones are also known to strengthen your liver, gall bladder & endocrine system, in addition to their spiritually-enhancing and strengthening abilities!
Tanzanite: is a calming stone and is particularly beneficial if life becomes chaotic or extremely busy and out of balance, as it helps to bring you back into balance.
Tanzanite’s energies are non-physical and works from the higher plane, being of a much higher vibrational frequency than that of the physical plane. It actually works through the “higher body or etheric nervous system,” which then works its way down into the physical body. Thus the energy that Tanzanite brings into our physical brains is very unifying and energising to all parts of our physical body, and thus also to the physical development of your unborn baby. It is nourishing to all cells of the body, as well as activating latent / dormant more spiritual and psychic abilities to the fore, such as telekinesis and telepathy, helping, I feel in the enhanced connection not only with your soul-self but also with your baby’s before and after birth.
From a mentally-beneficial point of view, Tanzanite really helps. It has been said to to have the power to transform negative energies into positive ones. It assists in enhancing your own self-power, rather than being influenced by others trying to control you or encouraging you to conform to “the norm”. It also helps to transforms destructive urges into constructive ones. The gemstone opens an awareness of how to transform how you live so that you begin to live much more consciously. It is also said to dispel lethargy and bring repressed feelings to the surface so that they can be expressed and transmuted. It strengthens the immune system, regenerates cells, and treats the heart, spleen, pancreas, lungs, head, throat, and chest. The stone is also a great detoxifier. It also has the ability to neutralize over acidification and reduce inflammation. Tanzanite also stimulates fertility and heals diseases of the ovaries.
Aquamarine: is the stone of courage and fortitude. It gives one a sense of peace as well as shielding the aura from harmful energies. Aquamarine also increases psychic powers, and it helps to identify liars. Aquamarine is useful for the immune system and for breathing problems. It will also protect your energy if you are around people who act as ‘psychic vampires’ i.e. drawing their energy from others.
It encourages an increase in confidence, serenity, peace and tranquillity. It diminishes the need for drama. And replaces this with a zest for life and experiencing new and uplifting energies instead. It helps you to discover the harmony and satisfaction in being your true, divine self: full of confidence; calm; certainty and self-love, relieving nervous tension through its innate calming and soothing powers.
Bindweed – Root; Leaves and Vine and my “Upper Body” Bindweed Tinctures: I have always had an abundance of bindweed in my garden! I discovered it is a very effective detoxifier & that it also has special properties within it which stop the flow of blood to tumours, whether benign or cancerous. I was guided to make three types of bindweed; one for the upper body; a separate ones including the flowers, vines and leaves & the other for the lower. The upper body tincture is made of the vines, leaves and flowers only, whereas for the lower body, there is a separate root tincture as well as a vine, leaves and flowers one. The first two, I felt, intuitively, are designed to work on cleansing the arteries; veins; and “pipes” in the body and removing toxins through the lymphatic system, whilst the Bindweed Root, is for the digestive system, and lower eliminatory organs. All three are used in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir because of their detoxification properties and powerful cancer-healing / prevention properties.
Dandelion Flower; Leaves and Root: made from the flowers, leaves and roots collected from my garden. The flowers and leaves are always collected in the spring and are a known diuretic and as such, encourages the removal of poisons from the body helping to eliminate deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and the urinary tract. The disinfectant properties of dandelions also inhibit microbial growth in the urinary system. I collect the roots in the autumn and make my Dandelion Root Elixir, which has been known for centuries for being a fabulous diuretic and genitourinary cleanser as well as a liver detox, which is why it in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir. It is believed to have known cancer-healing benefits as well. There are also other compounds in dandelions, which help to treat haemorrhaging in the liver. Furthermore, dandelions aid in maintaining the proper flow of bile, while also stimulating the liver and promoting digestion.
Dandelions are also rich in calcium, which is essential for the growth and strength of bones, and they are rich in antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin, which protect bones from age-related damage. This inevitable damage is often due to free radicals, and is frequently seen as bone frailty, weakness, and decreased density.
Cleavers: I was guided to put three of my different Cleavers Tinctures into the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir, namely, the newly created “Dark” Cleavers, made with four different types of previously dried cleavers; the early season (March harvest) macerated (crushed using a pestle and mortar) fresh cleavers, and July 2020’s later Cleavers, which was made with the fresh herb with flowers. This is because they all have their own unique healing properties and, when used in conjunction with each other they maximise the healing process. Cleavers Elixir is phenomenal at removing toxins from the lymphatic system, which is why it is in the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir.
It is also alterative (blood purifier), Antiphlogistic (acting against inflammation or fever) anti-inflammatory, astringent (In medicine, astringents cause constriction or contraction of mucous membranes and exposed tissues and are often used internally to reduce discharge of blood serum and mucous secretions, This can happen with a sore throat, haemorrhages, diarrhoea, and peptic ulcers)., depurative (herbs, which are known to have purifying and detoxifying effects), diaphoretic (increases perspiration, so good for “sweating out” toxins), diuretic, febrifuge (dispels or reduces fever); tonic (boost) and vulnerary (encourages the healing of wounds). It is often taken to treat skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also a general detoxifying agent in all illnesses, including for serious illnesses such as cancer.
Hawthorn Blossom: The blossoms I chose to make this Flower Essence come from very special trees locally. Hawthorn Blossom is for emotional healing of the heart and even within the high vibration essence, you can still taste the subtle aroma of the flowers! I love it and it really makes you feel uplifted and happy. Exquisite!
Self-Heal; gathered from my lawn, self-heal only grows in lawns that are free from all chemicals. It is in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir because it treats wounds; heart disease; mouth ulcers; liver complaints; is anti-inflammatory & is also believed to have cancer-healing properties.
Wild Violets: I was guided to use two different Mother Tinctures – one where the flowers were still in the alcohol and one where it had been removed. This was because – as with the Cleavers – they have slightly different healing powers as a result. Wild Violets stimulate the lymphatic glands, helping the body get rid of bacteria and other toxins. It is especially useful for swollen glands. Over time, violets can help clear stubborn problems like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Taking Violet after a long winter is a wonderful way to get your body ready for a healthy and energetic spring.
Violet also supports the immune system, helping to clear infections of all kinds. It is known as the most effective flower/herb for treating upper respiratory tract infections. It is both soothing and cooling and helps reduce fever and inflammation.
The Flower Essence I made is from Wild Violets gathered from my garden, Its wider use has been very effective in repairing muscles and reducing and removing cysts and other anomalies as well as being very effective as a Cancer healer.
Hawthorn Berry: Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) is medicine for the heart on all levels. Hawthorn’s place as heart medicine was noted by Greek physician, Dioscorides, in the first Century AD. Medical herbal research has validated this use, finding hawthorn to be effective for increasing the strength of heart contractions, increasing blood flow to the heart, decreasing blood lipids (ie decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides) and modulating blood pressure (AltMedReview, 2010). A Cochrane review of trials on hawthorn for chronic or congestive heart failure found that Crataegus extract decreased fatigue and shortness of breath and improved exercise tolerance relative to placebo. The berries were picked locally from the woods on the cliffs overlooking the sea and the 2020 Mother Tincture, which is used in this Elixir, is exceptionally powerful. Hawthorn Berry is also a phenomenal detoxification remedy, another reason why it is in the Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir.
High Vibration Gem Essences:
The High Vibration Ranges (Gemstone and Flower/Herbs) were first created in 2014, when I was guided to place a specific number of drops into a 50ml Green Dropper Bottle, to which was added “the preservative” combination of pure Vodka with Spring Water, in a similar way to Bach Flower Remedies. Each bottle is then “energised” by holding it and “requesting” that the highest vibrational powers appropriate for each particular essence be imparted energetically.
Similarly, whenever I make an Elixir; Healing Cream or Energy Spray for someone (always made to-order on an individual basis), I energise it in a similar fashion, asking that the highest possible healing frequencies be placed in the resulting product for the highest good of that person.
I was guided, when creating the Stock Bottle for the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir, that specific High Vibration Gem Essences were required to be included for their Spiritual and Angelic Healing / Balancing Properties. Here’s more about them:-
Larimar; is one of the “spiritual stones”. It opens us up to new dimensions; radiates divine love and peace; promoting tranquillity. It is empowering; dissolving boundaries that constrain our spiritual self, thus guiding our soul onto its true pathway in life. It facilitates angelic contact and enables communication with other realms. It facilitates the healing of past-life wounds around relationships or heart traumas. It helps to remove self-sabotaging behaviour, especially in the removal of guilt and fear from our inner selves, thus freeing us to experience the divine bliss of sacred love. It is an antidote to emotional extremes and is said to ameliorate bipolar disorders. It reconnects us to our divine sense of playfulness and joyful child-like energy.
Lapis Lazuli; stimulates enlightenment; enhances dream work and stimulates personal and spiritual power. It facilitates the reduction of stress and brings peace and serenity into the body as a result. Lapis Lazuli recognises psychic attack and blocks it, sending the energy back to its source. It enhances the power of the spoken word and is believed to reverse curses or dis-ease caused by refraining from speaking out in the past. It harmonises us on all levels – physically; emotionally; mentally and spiritually. It encourages us to take charge of our life, linking us to our own inner knowing; enabling us to speak our truth with compassion for others. It links us to the divine – the Source – enabling us to dissolve any martyrdom-like tendencies or suffering. As a gem essence it also dissolves emotional bondage, setting us free to be who we truly are and step into our own unique magnificence.
Amazonite; has powerful filtration abilities, blocking geopathic stress; absorbing microwaves and mobile phone emanations and protecting us from electromagnetic pollution. It also filters any information passing through our brains, combining it with our intuition. It is a very soothing stone, calming the brain and nervous system and aligning the physical body with the etheric, thus maintaining optimum health. It balances out our “yin and yang”, helping us to look at both sides of a problem or seeing both points of view, It is known to soothe emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear, dispelling negativity and aggression. The elixir in particular is beneficial on all levels of consciousness and helps us to manifest universal love.
Tanzanite and Aquamarine: see previous descriptions above in the Mother Tincture Essences section.
Watermelon Tourmaline: is the stone of Self-Love! It works with the Heart chakra, cleansing and removing blockages. As a balancing stone, Watermelon Tourmaline aids in removing insecurities. It helps to inspire both creativity and practicality, & connects the Heart Chakra to both physical and spiritual vibrations. Watermelon Tourmaline calms over-active emotions.
Tiger's Iron: is found in Australia and is an amazing combination of Hematite; Red Jasper and Golden Tiger's Eye, resulting in a naturally stripy stone; truly magical! They are fabulous at not only overcoming negative patterns of behaviour, but also protecting us from absorbing other people's negative energies and situations. I was drawn to five specific stones with which to make the Elixir.
Imperial Golden Topaz No.3 & 4: see previous descriptions above in the Mother Tincture Essences section.
Rose Quartz Hearts: Representative of the Love Vibration. This Elixir was made with specially chosen Rose Quartz Hearts – one large and three smaller ones to bring in Unconditional love for oneself as well as for others and infinite peace to the heart and mind. It is known as THE Heart Stone, and is therefore included in order to bring into balance our heart centres on an emotional level; spiritual and intuitive level. The ‘heart centre’ is the pivotal point between the ‘human body energy points’ (the lower three chakras – Root – Sacral and Solar Plexus), and the beginnings of the Spiritual Body Connection to our Soul. There are two energetic Heart Centres – the Lower and Upper. In the ancient Egyptian 13-Chakra System, it is the Lower Heart (to which the Rose Quartz is aligned with), which holds the connection with the Divine Self and “God”. The Upper Heart Centre (the Thymus) is where we feel our emotions – painful and otherwise – associated with our Human Existence. Larimar (also in the High Vibration Elements), holds energy with both the Higher Heart and the Throat Chakra, so ensuring that we have this valuable connection between our human and soul selves. The Rose Quartz also helps to ensure this connection remains.
South African Jade Green Heart: see previous descriptions above in the Mother Tincture Essences section.
Golden Scapolite: has been call the ‘Mind's Teacher’ as it helps us to strengthen and stimulate our higher mind. It is a stone that enables the mind to open up, allowing us to tune-in to our deep, inner knowledge and “knowing”. It clears the way for a pure flow of energy from our heart to our mind thus enabling us to act in intuitively in thought, word and deed.
The five Golden Scapolite pieces that were used to make the Gem Essence have additional properties of transformation; particularly opening up the channel between the Solar Plexus Chakra (just above our Diaphragm) and the Heart Chakra points. This enables us to think; act and “be” from our heart centre and combines these two energy centres so that we are able to increasingly act from a state of “love” and true “self-power” thus enabling us to hear our inner voice and thus “tune-in” to our intuitive knowing.
These three powerful Essences required their High Vibration Counterparts to be included. This was because their properties will, I feel also help to enable the connection to the Divine Self to be maintained and – possibly – reconnected if disconnected as a result of either having had the “jab” or being affected by someone who has. This is something I wish to monitor with those taking this Elixir as I am curious to see what is possible in this regard.
Moonstone: see previous descriptions above in the Mother Tincture Essences section.
Mother of Pearl: see previous descriptions above in the Mother Tincture Essences section.
Hawthorn Blossom: see previous descriptions above in the Mother Tincture Essences section.
Evening Primrose: brought into my garden by the birds, this beautiful natural yellow Flower Essence balances the body, hormones and emotions in women, which is why I have included it in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir. It also works in synergy with all other gem and flower essences present.
Rosebay Willow Herb: is often used as a domestic herbal remedy, though it is little used in conventional herbalism. The herb is antispasmodic, astringent, demulcent, emollient, hypnotic, laxative and tonic
Rosebay Willowherb is full of Vitamins A and C, together with a plethora of anti-oxidants It is also an excellent herb for the digestive tract with a history of its use in treating infectious. It was also said to be the favourite herb of American eclectic physicians in treating cholera, typhoid and dysentry. This is because of its anti-microbial, and astringent properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the bowel so helpful at managing ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and ulcers.
Rosebay Willowherb, apart from being anti-bacterial and anti-viral, has an anti-fungal action too and was effective against all the nine fungal species tested in laboratory studies. It is particularly effective in treating Candida, with a pre-biotic effect that can help support normal gut flora.
Following on from this, its nti- inflammatory, astringent and healing effects are fabulous in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome too. When we have a prevalence of damage to the human microbiome, from the overuse of antibiotics; glyphosates in our food and environment, excess hidden processed sugar in so many foods, mercury in fillings, processed foods, chlorinated water etc., his can lead to an overgrowth of unhelpful gut bacteria. Candida being one such species. These fungal spores cause not only problems in our gut, but also fungal problems around the body. When you are pregnant, it is especially important to take the greatest of care of all parts of our body, for your own health and strength, as well as the positive growth of your baby in the womb.
Rosebay Willowherb has also been studied in labs, where it was found to be effective against the flu virus, improving mortality and survival rates.
As a flower essence, it is exceptionally beneficial at treating burn out; PTSD and helping us to reconnect to the earth again. In these exceptionally trying times, where the whole of humanity is being controlled by “the few”, having access to a herb which not only provides excellent health benefits for our physical well-being, but also for emotional health, too, is especially if you are pregnant. It is SO extraordinarily important to be as calm and well-balanced as possible during your pregnancy, not only for your own care, but also for that of your unborn baby(ies).
Rosebay Willowherb has, throughout history, particularly in Russia, been used for women’s health from first menstruating, through to menopause and post-menopause. Its effectiveness in calming and soothing women, and regulating their hormones, is outstanding. It is for this reason that it is in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir.
Due to its potency, I was guided to use the High Vibration Flower Essence rather than the Mother Tincture. The difference is that the latter has had the original plant or flower in it, whereas the High Vibration has a specific number of drops of the original, which is added to a 50ml Green Glass Dropper bottle, and a mixture of pure vodka and water is added to preserve it. Thus, one gets the “essence” of the herb; flower or gemstone. (Thus, this is a safe way to take this flower essence during pregnancy). This is then energised to the perfect vibrational frequency for its use, and then a few drops of this are added to – in this instance – a specially-intuited stock bottle. From the stock bottle, a specific number of droppers are added to each 30ml Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir, which is then topped up with the Raspberry Vodka/Water mix to preserve it.