The weather has turned: Summer is certainly behind us and as we begin this Autumn Season, it is imperative that we look after our bodies even more. Especially if you are running your own business, as this season tends to be a busy one for most self-employed people and you cannot afford to get sick!
So, we have created the solution to give you the tools to remain in tip-top health this Autumn Season: Our Wellness for Winter Workshops! These can be on an individual one-to-one basis or in a group.
The afternoon sessions will consist of the following three components:-
Meditation – we will start with a group meditation in order to centre and ground you and to clear your physical; emotional and mental bodies of the build-up of negative energy from “life” in general. A recent report (2017) by Dr Matthew Thorpe, MD, PhD, centres on 12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation,. Those cited, include Reduces Stress; Controls Anxiety; Lengthens Attention Span; Improves Sleep; Helps control pain and reduces blood pressure. One of the specific group-based meditations we use is designed to bring the whole body into balance. During a 20-minute presentation at a Business Networking Meeting of 26 business owners, in 2017, Emily used this technique to great effect: Without exception, everyone at the end was de-stressed; “chilled-out” and calm. After the one-to-one meetings, which followed, the majority of those present came up to Emily and thanked her:. There were many who were skeptical at the beginning: not by the end! Rather than being "woo-woo", these types of techniques REALLY work
Qigong with Obi C Agor, who will work with the basic elements of Qigong as well as specific special tones and movements according to what he feels the group needs. In this Autumn Season, leading into winter, the Element associated with this time is Wood, which corresponds to the Liver and Gallbladder. So Obi will be incorporating specific Qigong practices around strengthening the Liver and Gallbladder as part of the sessions. ( If you're interested in the "science of Qigong", then please click here for a science-based comprehensive review on ProMed's website of clinical trials and studies into the health benefits of both Qigong and Tai Chi). As part of each Workshop, Obi will also teach you some of his easy-to-use desk-based exercises that they can incorporated into your daily work routines.
Sound Therapy with Emily McMorran, working with specific tones to bring balance into all the energy centres of the body as well as specific tuning forks, as appropriate for the group. (There has been scientific research into the effectiveness of using sound to bring the body back into balance. Further medical-based evidence of this can be found in an interview with Doctor Helen Lavetsky on Sound Healing.Dr. Helen Lavretsky is a Professor In-Residence in the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA and a geriatric psychiatrist with federally-funded research program in geriatric depression and integrative mental health using mind-body interventions.)
Another of our components: Pain Management Workshops, which incorporate all the above modalities, can also be incorporated into the workshops if anyone is suffering from physical and / or mental pain.
Our bodies are not merely a machine, they are in fact “energy” - indeed, everything IS energy (this is the basis of Quantum Physics, after all!) And energy can be changed – from positive to negative and vice versa in numerous kinds of ways. Back in 2014, Emily McMorran created a range of specialist "Energy" products, which consist of three components: Energy Creams; Sprays and Drops, These products are based on Quantum Physics and thus work on multiple levels: physically; emotionally; mentally and spiritually - they play their part in enabling you to return to a place of balance and wellness. At the beginning and end of each session we work with two of these products to 'clear' the energy field around the individuals present, as they contain special Gem and Flower Essences as well as special blends of specific essential oils designed to bring calm; clarity; balance and upliftment to a person's mood and mindset. Their names are Clearance & Protection Spray and Sacred Love Spray. The first clears away all negative energies from around and within people's energy fields and the second - made with a combination of Rose; Geranium and Ylang Ylang - immediately brings a sense of calm; joy and focus to the mind. As we are all “energy”, these positive energy tools can bring balance; clarity of mind and calmness into a person when in a stressed or tense environment or when pressed by tight deadlines or other pressures in your business.
We will finish the afternoon with nourishing; nurturing healthy snacks and cakes (Emily's own recipes), designed to increase energy and provide nutritious sustenance: vitally important as we head towards winter! The "tea" of the season - under the "WOOD" Element, for Autumn, will be Emily's Homemade Rose-hip Tea, made with her own dehydrated rose-hips from her garden, infused with cinnamon, which is a warming and comforting spice, and raw honey (should you wish!) Rose-hip is exceptionally high in Vitamin C, so excellent for keeping colds at bay.
So, by the end of the afternoon, you will be divinely relaxed; calm and nourished: ready to face the week and season ahead! And with some valuable tools to-boot, to keep you in tip-top health.
Price for each Workshop £60 on a group basis (minimum 4 persons) and £240.00 one a one-to-one basis. Remember you will get a 50% tax relief for attending.
Click here to contact us to find out more and book in with us