Homemade Strawberry Jam is out of this world! Just strawberries; lemon and sugar. The really key thing, though, is plenty of lemon juice as strawberries have very little pectin, which is a natural setting agent (lemons have loads!), so that your jam sets well.
Preparation and setting time:- 35 minutes Quantity:- 2 x 350g large jars
Equipment Preserving Pan - Large Wooden Spoon* - 2 x Teaspoons - Measuring Scale - s 2 x 350 g Jam Jars Labels - Jam Funnel - Deep Ladle - Sharp Knife Cellophane Discs - Parchment Discs - Chopping Board - 3 Saucers Citrus Juicer * or special flat-bottomed preserving pan wooden spoon – I purchased both my preserving pan and special spoon from Lakeland in the UK.
Ingredients 1 lb 12 oz / 700 g Strawberries - Juice of 3 medium to large Lemons - 2 lb 2 oz / 850g Granulated Sugar - 1 teaspoon pure Butter Method
Firstly put the saucers in the freezer and the jars in the oven to warm through (on lowest heat and bottom rung)
Remove stalks (hull) and quarter the strawberries and put in the preserving pan
Pour in the juice of the lemons and stir well
Put on low to medium heat and cook until strawberries are soft and tender – approx. 20 minutes
Add the sugar and stir in well to dissolve it over a low heat. Transfer to a high heat and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally
Once a rolling boil has been achieved (see photo below), stir every few minutes to prevent sticking/burning and cook at this rate for 8 minutes. Turn down the heat to low if using gas or take off the heat if using electric and take one saucer out of the freezer
With your teaspoon, put a small amount onto the saucer. It should just sit there rather than spread. Leave for 10 seconds then lift up on the spoon and “drop” it back onto the plate – if it drops in a semi-solid “globule” it is ready. If not, boil for a further minute and test again
Once this “set” is achieved, it will give a soft to firm set once cold. Turn off the heat and add one generously-heaped teaspoon of pure soft butter and mix in to disperse the foam/scum. Add a little more butter if needed until it looks like the picture below
Leave to settle for 20 minutes, otherwise when you pot it, all the strawberries will rise to the top!
Take the jars from the oven and, using your jam funnel, ladle the jam into the warmed jars, until just before the jar lip
Place a parchment disc on each and a cellophane cover, then screw on the lid tightly
Once cool, label, giving the date made – the jam will last 12-24 months if kept in a cool dry place
Once opened, refrigerate and consume within a month
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