Clear Communication Range
(DENMARK/GERMANY/AUSTRIA/SWEDEN are refusing entry of any of my products because they are from the UK and they have draconian restricitons on pretty much everything! We have a solution, So if you are from these countries - email me via Contact page.)
Please specify who the set / individual components are for as everything is personally energised and made at the time of order.
The Clear Communication Range was created in the spring of 2014, initially to help a dear friend of mine who was having difficulty expressing herself clearly and standing in her power as she asked me to create something for her. Her name is Jennifer Beaumont-Whyte and she reported back that it had made a phenomenal difference to her communication skills! She no longer felt tongue-tied and found that she was getting her message across in a very clear and concise manner. She also used it ahead of partaking in Toast Masters and said that many people came up to her afterwards and said how well she had spoken and how much they had enjoyed it.
It works on many levels, containing a special combination of my own-brand high vibration Gem and Flower Essences to enable you to speak your truth with integrity; to be in your true power in all our communications and to bring clarity to your thoughts and actions. The Range consists of an Elixir; Healing Cream and Energy Spray and contains Lavender Amethyst; Angelite; Watermelon Tourmaline; Peridot for the left and right sides of the heart; Lady's Mantle; Imperial Golden Topaz No.4 (There are four special stones made into individual essences); Dravite Tourmaline and Mookaite Jasper. In addition to this, there is a unique blend of "smells" in the cream and spray made from May Chang; Lemon and Lavender. Delightfully uplifting; clarifying and clearing!