Mineral-Rich Chocolate Porridge This breakfast porridge is both delicious AND energy-sustaining AND metabolism-boosting! Al-round good news! Cacao is ultra-rich in minerals as well as properties which increase our metabolic rate, thus helping our bodies to burn up excess fat. The oats sustain our energy for many hours and the spices are not only also full of metabolism-boosting properties, they are also great at encouraging a healthy and balanced digestive system. The nuts and seeds are packed full of Vitamin E (the nuts) and Omega Three in the seeds, thus providing antioxidants and longevity-encouraging nutrients. This is therefore an all-round great breakfast to set you up for the day ahead.
Put the oats; oatmeal; milled nuts & seeds; sultanas; salt; cacao; grated nutmeg and ground cinnamon to the pan. Mix well with the wooden spoon
Grate in the turmeric then ginger roots, or add the dried alternatives and mix well
Add the oat or coconut drinking milk; Carotino Oil and the boiling water then mix again
Put onto the lowest heat burner on your cooker, on high heat initially, and bring to the boil – this takes approximately 5 minutes
Turn down the heat to the lowest setting and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
When fully cooked, it should look a bit like my picture. Serve with molasses sugar to taste
* To make the Milled Mixed Nuts / Seeds:-
Mini chopping machine
Old-fashioned Tablespoon
Medium Container
3 tablespoons Almond
3 tablespoons Hazelnuts
3 tablespoons Mixed Seeds
3 tablespoons Chia Seeds
Add all ingredients to a mini chopping machine
Store in an airtight container. Will keep for approximately two months.
For More Recipes click HERE To purchase Volume One of The Alchemist's Cookbook Series - Cakes-Cordials-Breads & Soups - click here This recipe features in Volume Two of The Alchemist's Cookbook Series - Breakfasts-Light Bites-Breads & Soups , which is still in production. To register interest in Book Two, click here