Limes are in a number of the cordial and cake recipes and are, like lemons, exceptionally beneficial for our health. Limes are naturally part of the “sour” category of foods and are great for bringing balance into the liver and gallbladder.
The health benefits of limes are very similar, as one would imagine, to lemons and are as follows:-
Weight Loss – squeezing the juice of a whole lime into a glass of warm water is an excellent weight reducer, as well as a brilliant refresher and antioxidant drink. Citric Acid in lime is an excellent fat burner. Consuming two glasses a day will be enough to stimulate results. See what happens after a week!
Improved Skin - Limes rejuvenate the skin; maintain its shine; protect it from infections and reduces body odour due to the presence of large amounts of Vitamin C and Flavonoids. These are both class-1 anti oxidants as well as being natural antibiotics
Improved Digestion - Lime has an irresistible scent. This causes our mouths to water, thus acting as an aid to primary digestion (i.e. the action of salivation in our mouth starts the digestion process). The natural acidity in lime does the rest, which break down the macro molecules of food. Then the Flavanoids, the compounds found in the fragrant oils extracted from lime, stimulate our digestive system and increase secretion of the digestive juices, bile and acids. This flood of flavonoids also stimulates our peristaltic motion
Constipation - roughage in limes are helpful in easing constipation. The most beneficial element, though, is the high acidity. In fact, a dose of lime juice with salt can also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thus providing relief from constipation
Eye Care – The Vitamin C in limes has antioxidant properties, which can protect our eyes from ageing and macular degeneration. In addition, the flavanoids can help to protect them from infections
Heart Disease – the soluble fibre present in limes helps to lower blood pressure and eliminate the presence of the “bad” LDL cholesterol. Soluble fibre also cuts down on inflammation of the blood vessels, which is known to prevent heart attacks and strokes
Scurvy – a deficiency of vitamin-C. Limes are really high in Vitamin-C and so are excellent to cure this complaint. Symptoms are characterized by frequent infections that appear as cold symptoms, cracked lips tongue and mouth ulcers as well as spongy, swollen and bleeding gums
Arthritis – One of the many causes of arthritis is an excess of uric acid, which builds up in the body. Uric acid is one of the waste products that normal urination will clear out of the body. Unfortunately, when too much builds up, it can make the pain and inflammation from arthritis even worse. The citric acid found in citrus fruits like limes is a solvent in which uric acid can dissolve, increasing the amounts that are eliminated in the urine. Citrus fruits in general have anti-inflammatory properties, and can be used for a number of inflammation issues
Piles – Lime helps heal ulcers and wounds in our digestive and excretory systems and, whilst providing relief from constipation, it also eradicates all the root causes of piles. Piles are a different term for haemorrhoids, an uncomfortable condition that occurs in the anal region and can result in bleeding and discomfort both during excretion and general activity. It can also lead to certain forms of cancer; limes can help prevent their formation or recurrence
Peptic Ulcer – The Flavonoids (Limonoids such as Limonin Glucoside) present in limes are antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic and detoxifying. These properties stimulate the healing process of peptic and oral ulcers
Respiratory Disorders – The flavonoid-rich oil from limes is extracted and used extensively in anti-congestive medicines such as balms, vaporizers, and inhalers due to the presence of Kaempferol. The great news is that just scratching the peel of a lime and inhaling it gives immediate relief for congestion and nausea
Gout - There are two main causes of gout. The first source is the accumulation of free radicals in the body, and the second is accumulation of toxins in the body, primarily uric acid. Limes can help prevent both of these causes. It is a wonderful source of antioxidants & detoxifiers (Vitamin C & Flavonoids), which reduce the number of free radicals as well as detoxifying the body
Urinary Disorders – The high potassium content of limes is very effective in removing toxic substances, which get deposited in the kidneys and the bladder. Also the disinfectant properties of limes also help cure infections in the urinary system. It also stops prostate growth (very common in males above 40) and clears blockages of urine that can come from calcium deposits in the urinary tract
Diabetes – Limes and other citrus fruits are considered a diabetes super food for a number of reasons. The high levels of soluble fibre in limes make them a perfect dietary aid to help regulate the body’s absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. It therefore reduces the occurrence of blood sugar spikes that are such a serious risk to to diabetic patients. Limes and other citrus fruits have a low glycemic index, which means that no unexpected spikes in glucose levels occur
Great Alkalisers – An interesting fact is that, although acidic before you digest them, limes, like lemons, oranges and grapefruit actually contain many alkaline minerals and so leave behind an alkaline ash deposit in our bodies. They are thus one of the most alkaline foods available Limes are also very effective in prevention and relieve from rheumatism, prostate and colon cancer, cholera, arteriosclerosis and fatigue.