Karmic Cleanse Constellation The Karmic Cleanse Constellation has been created to help enable your energy body to gently remove karmic ties and patterns from this life as well as past lives so that you can truly step into your own unique magnificence and attain your heart's desire in all its myriad forms during this lifetime.
The combination of the Elixir for internal use, together with the intuitively created blend of Lemon, Lavender & Rose Essential Oils in the Energy Spray and Healing Cream work in synergy to remove blocks; karmic ties and outmoded patterns of behaviour, freeing you to move forward in a positive manner in your life.
The Gem & Flower Essences used are:-
Apache Tear – a form of Black Obsidian, which works in a gentler way. As an essence it releases negativity in a gentle manner. It comforts in times of sadness & grief; heals long-held grievances & rifts, & allows light and love to emanate into the beings of all involved. A great stone for ridding us of self-limitations and increasing our spontaneity.
Black Amethyst – The crystal which made this Gem Essence, is a very rare specimen from India, which I have primarily used on my desk to protect against electromagnetic frequencies, as well as protecting me on a psychic and spiritual level. I was guided to create an elixir from this amazing natural cluster, in August 2022, to enhance the protective properties of the Clearance & Protection Spray, as well as the EMF-AI Eliminator Range, of which it has become a new ingredient to both, due to its “black” colouration, though it is in fact a very, very deep and dark purple with the uppermost points being black in colour. It also features in the Karmic Cleanse Range and Magical Rejuvenation Range. Amethyst is believed to he most protective of stones, and it also aligns all aspects of the mind – both calming and stimulating as appropriate and balancing out any scattered energy to enable clarity of thought; relieves insomnia; balances out highs and lows, bringing in emotional centring, dispelling all negative emotions, such as anger; fear and anxiety. Extremely spiritual – it opens and enhances our intuition, and connection to the divine, encouraging us to be selfless and in-tune with our own innate inner wisdom.
Lavender Amethyst – one of the most spiritual of stones; it also aligns all aspects of the mind – both calming and stimulating as appropriate and balancing out any scattered energy to enable clarity of thought; relieves insomnia; balances out highs and lows, bringing in emotional centring, dispelling negative emotions, such as anger; fear and anxiety. The new elixir made in February 2014 was made with four specially chosen stones; all have since gone to specific people for protection and healing purposes.
Rainbow Quartz – created with a unique crystal, which brings all parts of your being into balance
Ruby - This elixir was made with three beautiful natural pieces of Ruby, which is much denser in texture and appearance than the gem stone quality one finds in jewellery shops. Ruby is associated with the heart and these natural pieces for me have always felt linked to bringing love back to mother earth. Ruby is a great stone for bringing energy and vigour into the body and mind. It is excellent for stimulating the heart chakra, encouraging us to come into a state of bliss. One of the great protective stones, it helps to provide a shield against psychic attack. It also helps to bring up anger and resentment from the past, transmuting it into joy and bliss.
Rose Quartz Hearts - This Elixir was made with specially chosen Rose Quartz Hearts – one large and three smaller ones to bring in unconditional love for oneself as well as for others and infinite peace to the heart and mind. It is known as THE Heart Stone, and is therefore included in order to bring into balance our heart centres on an emotional level.
Peridot (Left Side & Right Side) – are known as the heart stone. These elixirs open; cleanse and activate the heart & solar plexuses as well as ridding the body of anything that is outmoded such as guilt; burdens or obsessions with past hurts or regrets; enable you to detach from outside influences and move to a higher vibrational frequency. The Peridot (Left Side) is made with three specially chosen vividly bright stones to bring balance to the left side – or feminine “yin” side - of the heart into balance. Peridot (Right Side) is made with three correspondingly specially chosen vividly bright stones to bring balance to to bring the right side – or masculine “yang” side of the heart into balance.
Black Obsidian - is highly protective& wards away bad energy & psychic attack. Italso brings up negative emotions and recollections from the past, including past lives. It forms part of the Balance in Grief Constellation because of its ability to cut negatives ties and emotions, allowing you to be free to move forward in your life.
Additional Information:-
All Elixirs are preserved in a water/Raspberry Vodka combination
Additional ingredients in the Energy Spray – Polysorbate 20 (from Coconut) as an emulsifier and St Helen's Spring Water
Additional Ingredients in Healing Cream – Handmade Hypoallergenic Base Cream plus Carrier Oils of Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel and Jojoba