Hawthorn Blossom is also known as the May Flower and appears in early May, and goes through to early to mid-June in the UK. I originally made the first Hawthorn Blossom Essence in May 2013, after I had been to my dearest friend and shamanic teacher, Maryelle, to give her some healing. Maryelle said at the end of the session that she had been "shown" that I needed to make Hawthorn Blossom Flower Essence.
As a flower essence, Hawthorn helps open the heart to giving and receiving love, and can help in healing heartache. It encourages self-love and self-acceptance. This exquisite blossom also helps us to develop courage and stand up for ourselves. When we are able to fully love ourselves, that is when we have the courage of our convictions to do what is right for ourselves in each and every moment, and to learn to say "no" when something doesn't feel right for us to do. The very etymology of the word courage draws our attention to the heart: cor is latin for heart, so being in a state of courage is truly an open-hearted state.
When made into a flower essence, hawthorn blossom can be fabulous for helping us to come into our strength and power (courage again?); and for calming anyone who has a tendency to get overly stressed, angry, critical, (to their self or towards others - whether outwardly or holding resentment within) or easily irritated. Even within the high vibration essence, as well as the mother tincture, the wonderfully delicious taste of the subtle aroma of these exquisite flowers comes through. Often, when I am making Elixirs for people, and there is Hawthorn Blossom in the ingredient, I always give myself a couple of drops drectly on the tongue: I love it and it really makes me feel instantly uplifted and happy. Divine!
Hawthorn Blossom is in the Love Range, because of its ability to bring emotional healing and centring to the heart. It is also in the Healthy Healing Heart Elixir, for the same reasons: bringing peace, tranquility, and deep calm into your mind, body and - indeed - soul.....
There is great lore surrounding hawthorn. Beltane and May Day rituals have long included hawthorn (or May) flowers and branches. I happened across a beautiful article about Hawthorn on a wonderfully-named White Dragon Website, which used to be a traditional medicine journal. If you would like to read this article, please click here
Energetics: for protection and healing of the heart, opening the heart, expressing, giving and receiving love.
It can also be used on its own, in gem elixir form, as part of a Bespoke Preparation, or in conjunction with other gem; flower and herbal elixirs that you feel drawn to. For afull list of all Gem Essences available, click here, and for the full listing of the flower and herbal essences,click here. To access all of Emily Jane's Energy Sprays, Healing Creams and Drops,click here Below is a picture of the stunning blossoms and leaves collected from a magical trip to Silbury Hill in May 2023, encased in vodka, the first stage of making a flower essence.