With regards to the following recipes, I have been using these since 4th December 2021 and have not only experienced new hair growing back very quickly, but also the stopping of the continued loss of hair (which had been happening every time I brushed my hair). I had also had a very itchy and sensitive scalp, which is much improved. I am still having to be very gentle with my hair and avoid getting it tangled at all. I also had eight inches cut off the length on 28th December, to bring strength back into it and to encourgage new growth. In the three weeks since, my hair length has grown back 3 inches. My hair is gradually thickening again, as the new hair is naturally much shorter than the hair that I did not lose, so this will continue to strengthen and grow over time and I feel it will be fully restored by the end of 2022.
(I actually created a special recipe for the Castor Oil, with the addition of my Horsetail Tincture and Calendula Flower Essences, as well as specifically intuited High Vibration Gem Elixirs from my cabinet especially for me, to give extra strength to both my hair and scalp. I use this twice a week. Should you wish to have me make a special bespoke recipe for you using these and other ingredients, please send me a message via the Contact Page, including your telephone number, and I will connect with you.)
Follicle and Hair Strengthening addition for shampoo Ingredients:- 1 red onion 1 metric tablespoon white rice 1 metric tablespoon cloves 1 cup water 1 metric teaspoon instant coffee
Cut up onion into small pieces
Put in saucepan with other ingredients except coffee
Bring to boil and cook until liquid halved
Strain through a sieve into a bowl
Add the coffee
Mix well
Add some of your shampoo and mix in well
Add mixture to shampoo bottle
Shake well
Use every day - leave on for a minute before washing off
Clove, Black Seed & Garden Cress Seeds Hair-Growing Serum Ingredients:- 1 metric teaspoon cloves 1 metric tablespoon black seed 2 metric tablespoons Garden Cress Seeds 1 ½ cups cold water
Place all ingredients into a medium pan Bring to the boil, then boil continuously for seven minutes Strain through a sieve then put into 100ml Dropper bottle Apply to the scalp every night before bed Wrap hair in a towelling “turban” In the morning, wash with the above recipe shampoo
In addition to the above, twice a week, put castor oil onto your scalp and wrap your head in cling film before placing the towelling “turban” on and going to bed.
If you are suffering from an itchy and / or irritated or inflamed scalp, make the following recipe as well, and use once or twice a week Rosemary Oil for hair growth and scalp health - stops itchy scalp Ingredients:- 3 long stems rosemary 1/4 cup olive oil 1 metric tablespoon castor oil
Wash and dry the rosemary sprigs Remove the leaves and put in them in a bowl and add the oils Mix in well Heat water in a medium pan and place the bowl over it - don’t touch the water Heat on low for 15 mins Leave the mixture to cool Strain into a jar through a sieve Put three additional sprigs of rosemary into the jar for up to two weeks Apply to your scalp with a dropper Massage in well for two minutes