The crystal which made this Gem Essence, is a very rare specimen from India, which I have primarily used on my desk to protect against electromagnetic frequencies, as well as protecting me on a psychic and spiritual level. I was guided to create an elixir from this amazing natural cluster, in August 2022, to enhance the protective properties of the Clearance & Protection Spray, as well as the EMF-AI Eliminator Range, and the EMF-Ai & Vaxx-Poison Elimination Combination (Elixir & Energy Spray)of which it has become a new ingredient to both, due to its “black” colouration, though it is in fact a very, very deep and dark purple with the uppermost points being black in colour. It also features in the Karmic Cleanse Range and Magical Rejuvenation Range.
Amethyst is believed to he most protective of stones, and it also aligns all aspects of the mind – both calming and stimulating as appropriate and balancing out any scattered energy to enable clarity of thought; relieves insomnia; balances out highs and lows, bringing in emotional centring, dispelling all negative emotions, such as anger; fear and anxiety. Extremely spiritual – it opens and enhances our intuition, and connection to the divine, encouraging us to be selfless and in-tune with our own innate inner wisdom.
It can also be used on its own, in gem elixir form, as part of a Bespoke Preparation, or in conjunction with other gem; flower and herbal elixirs that you feel drawn to. For afull list of all Gem Essences available, click here, and for the full listing of the flower and herbal essences,click here. To access all of Emily Jane's Energy Sprays, Healing Creams and Drops,click here