This Range has been created in December 2022, to give overall support to nursing mothers and their babies, from birth up to the age of 3. If/when your baby goes onto formula rather than being breastfed, drops of the elixir can be placed in their formula milk or other drinks. Only one or two drops are required in a full bottle. Whilst they are being breastfed, they are getting all the benefits from the ingredients through your milk. The ingredients have been intuitively chosen to not only provide protection from any shedding from people who have been jabbed, but also to provide the building blocks for supreme health in your baby, as well as keeping you tip-top physically, mentally and emotionally during this important period. All ingredients are safe for your baby, including the essential oils used in the cream and energy spray, which are both calming as well as uplifting, so excellent for providing calm and peace in you and your baby, and helping you both to sleep soundly, too.
All the essences are from Emily Jane’s High Vibration Range, each of which have specific numbers of drops from her Mother Tinctures, and are then energised to a very high vibration, similar to homeopathy. These are then further energised especially for you and your baby at the time they are made.
The Gem Essences in this range are Amazonite; Black Amethyst; Lavender Amethyst;; Apache Tear; Blue Apatite; Bloodstone; Mangano Calcite Heart; Citrine; Diamond-Gold-Green Sapphire Combination; Rainbow Hematite; South African Jade Green Heart; Red Ocean Jasper; Lapis Lazuli; Lepidolite with Mica; Magnesite; Moonstone; Mother of Pearl; Ruby; Dravite Tourmaline and Rainbow Tourmaline. Furthermore the following Herbal and Flower Essences are also in the Range: Calendula Flower; Macerated Cleavers; Bindweed Root, Leaves & Vine; Elderflower; Evening Primrose; Dandelion Flower, Leaves and Root; Wild Violets and Hawthorn Berry, with essential oils of Rose Absolute; Geranium; Ylang Ylang; Jasmine and Bergamot in the Healing Cream and Energy Spray.
Full information on the Gem, Flower and Herbal Essences:-
Amazonite - has powerful filtration abilities, blocking geopathic stress; absorbing microwaves and mobile phone emanations and protecting us from electromagnetic pollution. It also filters any information passing through our brains, combining it with our intuition. It is a very soothing stone, calming the brain and nervous system and aligning the physical body with the etheric, thus maintaining optimum health. It balances out our “yin and yang”, helping us to look at both sides of a problem or seeing both points of view, It is known to soothe emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear, dispelling negativity and aggression. The elixir in particular is beneficial on all levels of consciousness and helps us to manifest universal love. Black Amethyst – The crystal which made this Gem Essence, is a very rare specimen from India, which I have primarily used on my desk to protect against electromagnetic frequencies, as well as protecting me on a psychic and spiritual level. I was guided to create an elixir from this amazing natural cluster, in August 2022, to enhance the protective properties of the Clearance & Protection Spray, as well as the EMF-AI Eliminator Range, of which it has become a new ingredient to both, due to its “black” colouration, though it is in fact a very, very deep and dark purple with the uppermost points being black in colour. It also features in the Karmic Cleanse Range and Magical Rejuvenation Range. Amethyst is believed to he most protective of stones, and it also aligns all aspects of the mind – both calming and stimulating as appropriate and balancing out any scattered energy to enable clarity of thought; relieves insomnia; balances out highs and lows, bringing in emotional centring, dispelling all negative emotions, such as anger; fear and anxiety. Extremely spiritual – it opens and enhances our intuition, and connection to the divine, encouraging us to be selfless and in-tune with our own innate inner wisdom. Lavender Amethyst: The new lavender amethyst gem elixir was made in August 2022 with my exceptionally special Angelic Violet-Lavender Amethyst naturally-formed Angel and Child (see picture0; my Spirit Amethyst (where there is a lavender amethyst enclosed within a natural quartz point, and a beautifully carved, multi-faceted lavender amethyst stone (see picture). The vibrational energies of these three crystals have been enhanced by virtue of their “home” being in my Alchemy Healing Room, which is exceptionally high vibrationally, having crushed gemstones in the plaster, as well as the organic paint, and gem essences in added into the paint, as well. The Lavender Amethysts are particularly high vibration, and take you into the beta brain waves, stimulating and then also calming the throat and heart chakras. I always feel that the spirit amethyst, as well as the naturally-formed Angel and Child crystals bring a deep sense of peace; tranquillity and healing to all parts of me when I hold them, or use them in a crystal or sound healing session with a client. I was delighted that it was time for their magical, protective powers to be more widely available through this new Gem Elixir. Apache Tear – a form of Black Obsidian, which works in a gentler way than pure Black Obsidian. Like Black Obsidian, Apache Tear is a great protective stone. It also brings up negativity in a gentle manner, allowing it to be released. It is so-named because it is said to shed tears in times of sorrow. It is a great comforter in times of sadness and grief and heals long-held grievances and rifts allowing light and love to emanate into the beings of all involved. A great stone for ridding us of self-limitations and increasing our spontaneity. The four stones used were picked in mid February 2014 with a view to being made into an elixir to provide deep healing similar to Black Obsidian, though on a gentler level. At my bi-weekly meditation group later that month, two of the four stones needed to go to the young children of two of the ladies there; to release deep sadness and rifts within the family and to provide protection during everyday life. Blue Apatite – connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance. It also facilitates public speaking, enhances group communication and opens the chakra, healing the heart and also releasing any emotional dis-ease. It is the interface point between consciousness and matter. A stone of manifestation and; connecting one to humanitarian service, it is attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives to allow anything that has been holding you back, to be released. It is helpful in developing psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation and raising the kundalini. It aids in communication and self-expression on all levels. On a psychological level, it increases motivation and builds up energy reserves. It encourages and facilitates openness, and social ease, encouraging extroversion, and dissolving aloofness and alienation. It draws off negativity about oneself and others and is particularly helpful for hyperactive and autistic children. It helps to stimulate creativity, and the intellect. Apatite also clears confusion, clearing sorrow, apathy and anger, irritability and emotional exhaustion. It thus clears the way for expanding knowledge, both of oneself, as well as others and our interactions with them. It also clears the base chakra, allowing one to clear frustration and endorse passion without guilt. On a physical level, it is believed to heal bones, and encourage formation of new cells; aid absorption of calcium and helps cartilage; bones; teeth and motor skills, as well as ameliorating arthritis and joint problems. It is also believed to help suppress the appetite and increase metabolism, encouraging healthy eating, healing the glands; meridians and organs. It is fabulous at balancing all of our “bodies”: physical; mental; emotional and spiritual, enabling one to bring all chakras into balance – eliminating overactivity, as well as stimulating under-activity. It is fabulous when used in combination with other crystals, whether through their physical use or as part of an elixir, as it facilitates the collective desired results. Bloodstone: as its name suggests, this crystal is a phenomenal blood purifier, as well as an energy cleanser; immune stimulator for acute infections, stimulating the flow of lymph; increasing the metabolism; reenergising the body and mind when they are exhausted; detoxes the liver, kidneys, spleen and bladder. It is said to benefit the blood-rich organs of our body, regulating and supporting blood flow and aiding the circulation. Its further properties include reducing the formation of pus and neutralising over-acidification. It is also helpful in cases of leukaemia, as it supports the blood and removes toxins. The ancient Egyptians used it to shrink tumours. Bloodstone has also been used to heal the ancestral line, as well as cleansing the lower chakras (energy centres), and realigning their energies. Its properties also include helping on a mental level, by calming the mind; dispelling confusion and enhancing the decision-making process as it has the ability to re-energise the mind if you are mentally exhausted. It also helps you to adjust to unaccustomed circumstances. Spiritually, it strengthens the intuition and increases creativity, as well as stimulating dreaming and banishing evil and negativity, instead directing spiritual energies to ensure our alignment with our soul is intact. Mangano Calcite Heart - Vibrationally brings in the higher heart angelic energy to enable us to release higher self-love into our whole being. A stone of forgiveness, this beautiful stone releases any grief and fear trapped in the heart, transmuting it into unconditional love for ourselves as well as others. It increases our feelings of self-worth and self-acceptance. As an elixir, it works incredibly gently dispersing such negative emotions and bringing in the beautiful pale pink angelic energy of this beautiful stone of the Angels; Citrine – This beautiful stone carries the energy of the sun, healing and bringing into balance our three lower earth-based chakras – Base; Sacral and Solar Plexus, enabling us to act from a position of the “SELF” in all our dealings with others – being truly in our divine power here on earth. The most cleansing of stones; used to clear negative energies from other gemstones, when made into an elixir, Citrine clears our physical and emotional bodies of negative traits and energies both from ourselves and others that we may have “picked up” over the years. As it is also a stone of abundance, in Elixir form, it aligns our Divine Self's “knowing” that we deserve abundance in all forms with our lower ego-self that may have created unconscious blocks to attaining wealth in all areas of our lives. It also:-
reverses degenerative disease.
stimulates digestion
stimulates the spleen
stimulates the pancreas
negates infections in the kidney and bladder
helps to improve eye problems
increases blood circulation
detoxifies the blood
activates the thymus
balances the thymus
it helps to warm the body and fortifies the nerves
is an eliminator: relieving constipation and removes cellulite As an elixir, it is helpful for menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, balancing the hormones and alleviating fatigue. Diamond – Gold – Sapphire Combination – Diamond: is a symbol of purity. Its pure white light is said to bring your life into a cohesive whole. It is also representative of wealth and is said to be one of the stones of manifestation; attracting abundance. It is also a protector against electromagnetic stress and thus a protection against mobile phones. As an amplifier of energy, it increases the energy of whatever it comes into contact with and thus enhances the healing properties of other gem stones (including when used in elixirs). It encourages creativeness and also links the intellect to the higher mind, providing clarity and enlightenment, supporting the soul's aspirations and spiritual evolution. Gold - has often been referred to as Master Healer as it is an excellent mineral for the purification of our physical bodies on all levels as well as being a stamina enhancer. It is said to symbolise the purity of our spiritual aspect - “Our I AM” Presence - by allowing us to both attain and maintain communion with the Divine within us – the true source of all beings. Gold is said to promote the capacity to “learn” new things and concepts, whilst eliminating any self-imposed feelings of inferiority or self reproach we may be harbouring. Green Sapphire - improves both inner and outer vision as well as dream recall. It stimulates the heart chakra, encouraging loyalty, fidelity and integrity. Like all sapphires, it focuses and calms the mind, releasing unwanted thoughts and mental tensions, bringing in a sense of peace and serenity in its stead. It enhances compassion and a greater understanding of the frailties and unique qualities of others. It encourages us to be more respectful of other people's belief systems. It brings prosperity, attracting gifts of all kinds and trust that our lives can be turned round for the better. Rainbow Haematite – are stones of peace, joy, clarity and enlightenment. They are dispellers of fear. They bring in love from the divine; courage to step into your true power – the power from within; the power of Source; the power of “all that is” enabling you to become your “I Am” presence and come into your true greatness and joy. South African Jade Green Heart: brings balance into the heart; emanates peace & tranquillity; a stone of joyous love. As an elixir, it brings the deep green energy of the heart to all parts of the body, releasing emotional instability, particularly of irritability and impatience, replacing these feelings with peaceful joyousness. “Joy” is – vibrationally – higher than “Love”. One of the essential things for us to maintain, in order to ensure our connection with our Soul / Divine Self is intact, is the keep our vibration higher than “Love”. Dr David Hawkins, who wrote the book, ‘Power versus Force’, created what have become known as “Scalar Frequencies”. These are scientifically-calculated numbers between 0-1000, where at certain points these numbers resonate with certain emotional frequencies. So, for example, “fear” vibrates at ‘100’; whereas, “Love” vibrates at ‘500’, and Joy – above “Love” – vibrates at ‘540’. So, the reason why this beautiful stone was intuitively included, was for its high vibrational frequencies of Joyousness, to help enable us to maintain or re-increase our levels to “Love or Above” (500+). This is vitally important for all health, and especially so in relation to this new situation humankind finds themselves in. Red Ocean Jasper - Ocean Jasper is the most phenomenal healing gemstone I have ever had the pleasure to encounter! Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. Ocean Jasper heightens awareness in addition to balancing and stabilizing one's ability to handle the input from increased awareness. The circular patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in regard to protection from the "evil eye." Physically, ocean jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body odour. Amongst its healing properties is the fact that it is the most powerful Gem Stone for healing from Cancer, acting as a lymphatic cleanser; regenerator and rejuvenator as well as getting to the root of any emotional and mental blocks and dis-ease that may have caused the cancer in the first place. It is thus an an all-round healing stone!
The following list of conditions it is said to assist in healing is taken from “The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual” by Michael Gienger (author of Crystal Power, Crystal Healing):-
Immune System – strengthening of
Cleansing and elimination through the Lymphatic System
Liver Tonic – strengthens liver
Cancer – greatest Gem Remedy to help eliminate Cancer
throat inflammation
eye disease; weak sightedness
stomach ache
leg ulcers
bladder problems
intestinal problems
lowering fevers
tired feet
gall bladder problems
pains in the extremities
painful throat
hay fever
stimulation of the lymph system
middle ear inflammation
mouth problems
strengthening of the kidneys
ear problems
fungal infections
enlarged prostate
thyroid gland problems
sleep problems; snoring
growth problems
weather sensitivity
The new Red Ocean Jasper is made with two exceptionally beautiful stones which not only have red ocean jasper in them, but also deep green and also white ocean jasper within them. They are all beautiful orb-shaped pieces and have a stunningly gentle vibration. The Red in the Ocean Jasper is very grounding, which together with the green aspects (heart) and white (crown) bring all aspects of the etheric energy body into balance – the root; heart and crown chakras. It is for these reasons it is included in so many of my constellations and elixirs. Lapis Lazuli – stimulates enlightenment; enhances dream work and stimulates personal and spiritual power. It facilitates the reduction of stress and brings peace and serenity into the body as a result. Lapis Lazuli recognises psychic attack and blocks it, sending the energy back to its source. It enhances the power of the spoken word and is believed to reverse curses or dis-ease caused by refraining from speaking out in the past. It harmonises us on all levels – physically; emotionally; mentally and spiritually. It encourages us to take charge of our life, linking us to our own inner knowing; enabling us to speak our truth with compassion for others. It links us to the divine – the Source – enabling us to dissolve any martyrdom-like tendencies or suffering. As a gem essence it also dissolves emotional bondage, setting us free to be who we truly are and step into our own unique magnificence. Lepidolite with Mica – When Lepidolite takes mica-like form, its properties are greatly amplified, and this is known to be the most efficient “mopping-up” tool, as a consequence. Lepidolite will only every allow itself to be used for the highest good of all concerned. It dissipates negativity; activates and opens the throat; heart; third eye and crown chakras, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. It is exceptionally beneficial in shamanic and spiritual journeying, and accesses the Akashic Record. It tunes you into thoughts and feelings from other lives, so that you are creating a release to any blockages in your life. It is super at reducing stress and depression. It can halt obsessive thoughts, relieving despondency and overcoming insomnia. Known as a “stone of transition”, it releases and reorganises old psychological and behavioural patterns, thus inducing change. It encourages interdependence and achieving your goals without outside help. It stimulates the intellect and analytic abilities, speeding up decision-making, as a result of its powers of objectivity and concentration. It focuses our attention on what is important, filtering out extraneous distractions. Emotionally, it helps you to stand in your own space, free from the influence of others. It is a calming stone that soothes sleep disturbances and emotional stress, bringing deep emotional healing. On a physical level, Lepidolite locates the site of “dis-ease” in the body. As an elixir, it will thus locate the source of any out-of-balance points within the body, which have resulted in “dis-ease” and gently bring them back into balance. It is known for strengthening the immune system; restructuring DNA, and enhancing the generation of negative ions (thus reducing inflammation). It can relieve exhaustion, numbness, sciatica, and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems. It is a detoxifier for the skin and connective tissue, as well as being excellent for the menopause, especially when used as a gem elixir. It treats illnesses caused by computer stress. I have several pieces of Lepidolite with Mica, and, though, the piece I used to make this new gem essence, is one which I have used in meditation for many years, always placing it on my Thymus (higher Heart) point, to bypass the physical heart centre and tap into the Angelic Divine Healing Frequencies. Magnesite – Physically, Magnesite contains a very high level of magnesium, and this – through being made into a gem essence, aids its absorption into the body. It detoxifies and neutralises body odour, and acts as an antispasmodic and muscle relaxant, as well as treating menstrual, stomach, intestinal and vascular cramps. Also pain from gallbladder and kidney stones. Due to its high level of magnesium, it treats bone and teeth disorders, and relieves headaches (especially migraines). It also slows blood clotting, as well as speeding up fat metabolism and dispersing the bad LDL Cholesterol, thus preventing arteriosclerosis and angina. It is thus a useful preventative for heart disease. It is also excellent at balancing body temperatures, lessening both fevers, as well as chills. Emotionally, it is calming, supporting people who are nervous and fearful. It helps them to overcome irrational or perceived fears, as well as reducing irritability and intolerance in individuals. The piece I have made the gem essence with has marble-like formations, and has thus been partly tumbled, and then two of its surfaces smoothed. Internally, though, it has a “brain-like” formation, which has an exceptionally positive effect on the mind. It is able to help bring both hemispheres into balance, and thus enables the stimulation of ideas and how to bring them into being. It is said to be excellent in the practice of unconditional love in situations where relationships with others are difficult because of their behaviour or addictions. It helps you to feel centred, standing by placidly and allowing the other person to be totally who they are, without requiring them to change or being affected yourself in any way by their difficulties. On a psychological level, magnesite brings to the surface all forms of self-deceit, helping us to recognise unconscious thoughts and feelings, and to explore the reason for these, taking you back into the past if necessary, to induce a positive attitude to life and how to overcome setbacks and outmoded patterns of behaviour. Moonstone – is a stone of new beginnings, strongly linked, of course to the moon and increasing our intuitive powers. It is fabulous at calming our emotions and helps us to refrain from overreacting to situations. It can also help enhance our natural psychic gifts and to develop clairvoyance. It is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy and balances male-female energies and is the perfect antidote for either an excessively macho man or aggressive woman. Mentally it opens us up to sudden impulses; serendipity and synchronicity. Emotionally, it soothes emotional instability and stress and stabilise the emotions. It provides deep emotional healing and heals disorders for the upper digestive tract, when they are related to emotional stress. It is known for balancing the hormonal system; stabilising fluid imbalances and re-attuning the biorhythmic clock. Mother of Pearl – The gentle nurturing energy of mother of pearl imparts love from the deep oceans of the sea; the waters of Mother Earth. Mother of Pearl is said to stir and awaken the ancient memories of our origin in the infinite ocean of divine love. It is said to gently imbue this memory in our thoughts; feelings, and in every cell of our physical body. As our memory opens, divine love flows through our whole being, repairing the deep wounds created by unfulfilled needs. Mother of Pearl's energy sings the song of motherly love as it imparts the feeling of being cradled in a loving mother's arms. A protection stone, Mother of Pearl brings the gentle healing power of the sea. It is a stress-relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming the emotions. Mother of Pearl stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability. It enables us to bring our emotions more into balance and harmony. Through releasing past hurts and emotions, it enables us to express our feelings of love to ourselves and others. Ruby – This elixir was made with three beautiful natural pieces of Ruby, which is much denser in texture and appearance than the gem stone quality one finds in jewellery shops. Ruby is associated with the heart and these natural pieces for me have always felt linked to bringing love back to mother earth. Ruby is a great stone for bringing energy and vigour into the body and mind. It is excellent for stimulating the heart chakra, encouraging us to come into a state of bliss. One of the great protective stones, it helps to provide a shield against psychic attack. It also helps to bring up anger and resentment from the past, transmuting it into joy and bliss. Golden Scapolite - has also been call the ‘Mind's Teacher’ as it helps us to strengthen and stimulate our higher mind. It is a stone that enables the mind to open up, allowing us to tune-in to our deep, inner knowledge and “knowing”. It clears the way for a pure flow of energy from our heart to our mind thus enabling us to act in intuitively in thought, word and deed. The five Golden Scapolite pieces that were used to make the Gem Essence have additional properties of transformation; particularly opening up the channel between the Solar Plexus Chakra (just above our Diaphragm) and the Heart Chakra points. This enables us to think; act and “be” from our heart centre and combines these two energy centres so that we are able to increasingly act from a state of “love” and true “self-power” thus enabling us to hear our inner voice and thus “tune-in” to our intuitive knowing. The Golden Scapolite Essence also open up the Crown Chakra at the top of our head, linking our physical bodies with higher knowledge and knowing from the Universal Consciousness. It does this by enabling us to to clear blockages, which are preventing the flow of energy, whilst opening the channel to higher communication. Other properties of the Golden Scapolite Essence include the ability to help strengthen our intellect and improve thought patterns, whilst increasing our retentive memory. It also has relaxing and de-stressing abilities, all things which enable us to quieten our mind and tune into our intuition instead. Dravite Tourmaline - I was drawn one day in 2012 to make two new Gem Essences, Dravite Tourmaline and Watermelon Tourmaline. Accordingly, I went to Stone Corner in Hastings, where the owners produced several of each stone. The Dravite Tourmaline was amazing – often just referred to as “brown” tourmaline, the three stones I chose had deep golden colours glistening from within and the energy emanating from them was both powerful and very comforting all at the same time. Dravite Tourmaline is excellent in reconnecting you to the earth plane and to the lowest of the Earth-based Chakras; the Earth Star, which is found around 30 cms below your feet. For this reason, it has a strong grounding action and is perfect if you have been feeling a little spacey or not fully grounded. As a Gem Essence, this gentle, strong grounding energy works very well either on its own or in harmony with other Gem Essences. It is also great for enabling you to gently accept all parts of you, releasing negative emotions and accept even those aspects of yourself that you are not keen on, enabling you to break old patterns of behaviour in order to move forward. Dravite Tourmaline is deeply cleansing energetically and helps to give you added stamina when you are going through difficult situations. It encourages you to be courageous and persistent rather than giving up. It is also linked with cleansing and strengthening the lymphatic system, enabling us to rid our bodies effectively of physical “waste” as well as emotional baggage. Multi-coloured (Rainbow) Tourmaline - this beautiful natural piece, is sparkly! It contains all of the colours – primarily the blues, through to purple and pinks, with the underlying protective black tone. I have always felt this particular stone to be exceptionally magical, and so was delighted in August 2022 when I was guided it was time to make it into a Gem Essence, so its healing qualities could be used more widely around the world. As it contains all the colour spectrum, it brings the mind and body, spirit and soul, into wholeness. It is an excellent stone for imagery, and promoting dreams, inspiring creativity, and enhanced imagination. This stone provides a gateway into the inner self, and – at the same time – the higher spiritual realms. In healing, the Multi-coloured Tourmaline stimulates the immune system, as well as the metabolism. With the addition of the underlying black tourmaline, it also enhances its protective qualities against mobile phones; electromagnetic frequencies, psychic attack, black spells and ill-wishing, as well as negative energies of all kinds. With its propensity to containing the higher chakra colours, of electric blue; purple; violet and gold, for me, I feel this stone connects directly to the higher realms and energies, assisting in the highest possible protection on all levels: a truly angelically magical stone! When remaking all existing Gem Essences at the end of August 2022, as well as the six new Gem Essences, this stone wished to be made lasts. I now feel that was because it wished to hold the highest levels of protection for all the other gem stones as they were being “made” into gem waters (the first stage of the process to create a gem essence), and thus, also its powers were also increasing over the seven days it was in my Serenity Room ahead of its own immersion in water. Due to its size, it insisted on being immersed in the Shungite-enhanced St Helen’s Spring Water in a beautiful cut-glass crystal jug I own. Delightful!
Herbal & Flower Essences
Calendula Flower - considered a vulnerary agent, it is a plant which promotes healing. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics. When applied to wounds, calendula prevents microbial growth and does not cause skin tissues to retract, thus providing more oxygen to the skin cells to lessen healing time. The flowers are high in Vitamin C and have been used to increase circulation. Washes can be concocted to treat the flaking and itching symptoms of cradle cap and dandruff. In addition to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to help heal wounds, the flower essence can also be used to refresh, or regenerate the skin, as a treatment for dermatitis, sore muscles and other viral skin conditions. Cleavers Macerated: There are two main types of Cleavers that I use. This one is made by crushing the fresh cleavers using a pestle and mortar. It has its own unique healing properties and, when used in conjunction with other herbal or flower essences, including the Cleavers Dark, they maximise the healing process. Cleavers Elixir is phenomenal at removing toxins from the lymphatic system. It is also alterative (blood purifier), Antiphlogistic (acting against inflammation or fever) anti-inflammatory, astringent (In medicine, astringents cause constriction or contraction of mucous membranes and exposed tissues and are often used internally to reduce discharge of blood serum and mucous secretions, This can happen with a sore throat, haemorrhages, diarrhoea, and peptic ulcers)., depurative (herbs, which are known to have purifying and detoxifying effects), diaphoretic (increases perspiration, so good for “sweating out” toxins), diuretic, febrifuge (dispels or reduces fever); tonic (boost) and vulnerary (encourages the healing of wounds). It is often taken to treat skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also a general detoxifying agent in all illnesses, including for serious illnesses such as cancer. Bindweed – Root; Leaves and Vine and my “Upper Body” Bindweed Tinctures: I have always had an abundance of bindweed in my garden! I discovered it is a very effective detoxifier & that it also has special properties within it which stop the flow of blood to tumours, whether benign or cancerous. I was guided to make three types of bindweed; one for the upper body; a separate ones including the flowers, vines and leaves & the other for the lower. The upper body tincture is made of the vines, leaves and flowers only, whereas for the lower body, there is a separate root tincture as well as a vine, leaves and flowers one. The first two, I felt, intuitively, are designed to work on cleansing the arteries; veins; and “pipes” in the body and removing toxins through the lymphatic system, whilst the Bindweed Root, is for the digestive system, and lower eliminatory organs. All three are used in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir because of their detoxification properties and powerful cancer-healing / prevention properties. Elderflower – I have been using Elderflower for a long time in many of my preparations – such as the Balance Ranges; Magical Rejuvenation; Bite Relief and Super Detox. Elder as a plant is one of the most phenomenal healing plants, valued by the 17th Century Herbalist John Evelyn, who wrote in 1664 "If the medicinal properties of its leaves, bark, and berries were fully known, I cannot tell what our country men would ail for which he might not fetch a remedy from every hedge either for sickness or wounds." Its flowers whether dried or as an Essence are also known to be an “eliminator” of toxins from the body, encouraging the body to eliminate poisons from your system. Evening Primrose – I am blessed that every year, this special and magical plant is brought into my garden by the birds. This beautiful, natural yellow Flower Essence balances the body; hormones and emotions in both men and women and works in synergy with the other gem and flower essences present. Dandelion Flower; Leaves and Root: made from the flowers, leaves and roots collected from my garden. The flowers and leaves are always collected in the spring and are a known diuretic and as such, encourages the removal of poisons from the body helping to eliminate deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and the urinary tract. The disinfectant properties of dandelions also inhibit microbial growth in the urinary system. I collect the roots in the autumn and make my Dandelion Root Elixir, which has been known for centuries for being a fabulous diuretic and genitourinary cleanser as well as a liver detox, which is why it in the Pregnancy Vaxx-Protector Elixir. It is believed to have known cancer-healing benefits as well. There are also other compounds in dandelions, which help to treat haemorrhaging in the liver. Furthermore, dandelions aid in maintaining the proper flow of bile, while also stimulating the liver and promoting digestion. Dandelions are also rich in calcium, which is essential for the growth and strength of bones, and they are rich in antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin, which protect bones from age-related damage. This inevitable damage is often due to free radicals, and is frequently seen as bone frailty, weakness, and decreased density. Wild Violets: I was guided to use two different Mother Tinctures – one where the flowers were still in the alcohol and one where it had been removed. This was because – as with the Cleavers – they have slightly different healing powers as a result. Wild Violets stimulate the lymphatic glands, helping the body get rid of bacteria and other toxins. It is especially useful for swollen glands. Over time, violets can help clear stubborn problems like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Taking Violet after a long winter is a wonderful way to get your body ready for a healthy and energetic spring. Violet also supports the immune system, helping to clear infections of all kinds. It is known as the most effective flower/herb for treating upper respiratory tract infections. It is both soothing and cooling and helps reduce fever and inflammation. The Flower Essence I made is from Wild Violets gathered from my garden, Its wider use has been very effective in repairing muscles and reducing and removing cysts and other anomalies as well as being very effective as a Cancer healer. Hawthorn Berry: Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) is medicine for the heart on all levels. Hawthorn’s place as heart medicine was noted by Greek physician, Dioscorides, in the first Century AD. Medical herbal research has validated this use, finding hawthorn to be effective for increasing the strength of heart contractions, increasing blood flow to the heart, decreasing blood lipids (ie decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides) and modulating blood pressure (AltMedReview, 2010). A Cochrane review of trials on hawthorn for chronic or congestive heart failure found that Crataegus extract decreased fatigue and shortness of breath and improved exercise tolerance relative to placebo. The berries were picked locally from the woods on the cliffs overlooking the sea and the 2020 Mother Tincture, which is used in this Elixir, is exceptionally powerful. Hawthorn Berry is also a phenomenal detoxification remedy. Additional Ingredients in the Elixir:- Raspberry Vodka & Shungite & Bloodstone Water Mix
Additional Ingredients in the Healing Cream:- Carrier Oils: Camellia Seed; Coconut & Jojoba Essential Oils: Rose Absolute; Geranium; Ylang Ylang; Jasmine & Bergamot Hypoallergenic Base Cream
Additional Ingredients in the Energy Spray:- Essential Oils: Rose Absolute; Geranium; Ylang Ylang; Jasmine & Bergamot Shungite & Bloodstone Water Polysorbate 20 (coconut base emulsifier)