Green Apophyllite is a very highly-attuned spiritual crystal: apophyllite allows spiritual insights to enter easily into our minds, giving us clarity in all areas of our lives, including giving us future vision of how our reality could be if we take certain decisions now. It is therefore excellent at dispelling blocks which have been holding us back and releases long-held suppressed emotions allowing us to begin acting from our Divine “SELF” rather than our ego-based little “self”. When used in meditation or healing, it “moves us” out of the way, enabling the Divine Energy to enter in and heal whatever is in need of being released, whether this be emotionally- based dis-ease or physical maladies. This elixir was made with three natural green apophyllite pieces, which were specially chosen for this purpose. Collectively they have very high vibrational powers, and are linked to the Heart Chakra Energy Centre through their colour as well as Angelic and Spiritual Healing properties. They enable us to see more clearly; clear blocks and be in a state of calm to communicate more truthfully and effectively.
Green Apophyllite Gem Essence is in the Angelic Assistance Range; EMF-AI Eliminator Range & EMF-AI & Vaxx-Poison Eliminator Elixir & Spray; Intuition Rangeand Love Range Apophyllite stones have a high vibration that will raise your spirits, and spiritually energize your being. These crystals have a unique vibration that can be used in a number of ways. They have an excellent ability to transmit their energy, and are uplifting simply by keeping them in the room with you.
One of the ways they can help is by giving you relief from stress, tension and anxiety. The flow of spiritual light they convey to you from the higher realms, helps you to release negative thought patterns that may be holding you back. Their energy aids you in feeling calmer, more relaxed and happier within yourself.
When used in meditation, they are powerful aids to assist guidance from spirit: your guides and the angels... especially if you place am apophyllite pyramid on your third eye whilst meditating.
Where Does Its name come from ?
The meaning of the name Apophyllite, comes from the Greek words that mean 'get' and 'leaf'... referring to its proclivity to exfoliate like a leaf, when heated.
Apophyllite comes in a range of colours, the most common being clear or green. Other less common colours are totally white stones, greyish white, yellowish, rose red shades, and some quite rare black crystals., which are caused by inclusions of other minerals, possibly Hematite.
They are commonly found in combination with Stilbite. For example, I have several clusters of apophyllite, which are within beds of Stilbite. The largest of these is in the Alchemy Healing Room, as well as the Green Apophyllite features in this article, as one of the main Metaphysical Properties of Apophyllite when used in person, is the ability to "get the Healer / Therapist out of the way, and allow the Healing Energies from Source/The Angels/Guides to work through them". Just by being in the room, the Apophyllite enables this to happen.
While these crystals may be found in places other than India, including Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Britain, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Canada and Australia, the best stones are said to come from Poona in India. These stones form in a number of different configurations. You will find them in a naturally occurring pyramid shape, as druzy crystals on another mineral, in clusters and in the massive form. These stones have a high water content, which gives them the ability to conduct electricity.
Additional facts:- Apophyllite Crystals can help one to increase intuition, connect with guides, and practice remote viewing and astral travel. Apophyllite can help one to plan for their future with certainty, despite any negative past experiences. While Apophyllite is predominantly a spiritual crystal, it does have physical healing properties. It can regulate bodily functions and improve memory.
Apophyllite Pyramids can transfer ideas gathered from the higher domains to be used with the conscious mind. Meditating with an Apophyllite Pyramid on the Third Eye Chakra can not only enhance one's psychic visions and clairvoyance, but it can also promote structure and organisation in daily life.