This beautiful pale blue stone brings in the Etheric healing vibrations from the Angelic Realm to the Higher Heart Chakra (Thymus) so bringing balance to the chest and Heart. It has been attributed as being one of the stones of awareness of the New Age. As an elixir it creates a protective environment for the body, aligning our “self” with our “SELF” transmuting all previous psychological and physical pains held as a result of previous emotional traumas and disease in our bodies, paving the way for enhanced telepathic communication with others and with the Angelic Realm. The Angelite that was used was picked especially to make the elixir, being three pieces chosen from Stone Corner in Hastings. Very high vibrational energy and specific stones “called out” to be used.
Angelite aligns the Higher Heart Chakra; Throat Chakra; Third Eye and Crown Chakras to come into balance. It helps you to communicate clearly and heals any unspoken traumas or negative rememberings, transmuting them into light and love. It features in the Angelic Assistance Range (naturally!); the Balance for Men Range; Clear Communication Range and the Love Range, too.
Angelite raises the state of conscious awareness. It represents peace and brotherhood. Angelite facilitates contact with your angels and spirit guides and helps to connect with your higher self. It enhances psychic healing and telepathic communication and enables astral travel and spirit journeys. Because of its ability to deepen attunement and heighten perception, Angelite is a powerful stone for healers. It also provides protection for the environment or the body. Psychologically, Angelite helps you to speak your truth. It promotes communication and self-expression. Dispels fear, anger and anxiety, converting them into faith and tranquillity. Angelite encourages forgiveness. It alleviates psychological pain and counteracts cruelty. Mentally, Angelite enhances astrological understanding and brings deeper understanding of mathematics. It also facilitates telepathic contact between minds. Spiritually, Angelite is filled with compassion. It transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration. It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. It helps connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness. Angelite facilitates the rebirthing process, stimulates healing, and opens psychic channelling. Angelite supports the throat, alleviating inflammation and balancing the thyroid and the parathyroids. It repairs tissue and corrects blood deficiencies and helps to renew blood vessels. Angelite balances the fluids within the physical body, and can act as a diuretic. It is useful in weight control, and relates particularly to the lungs and arms. Angelite can be used for headaches, heart function, the circulatory system and infectious diseases. At a subtle level, Angelite balances the physical body with the etheric realms. This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. It is very calming and its shade of blue refreshes the eyes and spirit. This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans. Most effective on the Throat Chakra, Angelite helps in self expression, communication and allows us to speak our mind, helping us to become more assertive. Its soothing effects on the Throat Chakra works beautifully in calming and soothing anxiety or overactive children. Use this stone to call your Angels for guidance and support. Angelite is often used for psychic connection to oneness with the Universe, the angelic realm and for spiritual guidance. Angelite is utilized for heightened sensory awareness, which also makes it great for Astral travel. Angelite helps us to see paths to surmount challenges. It dispels anger, renews connections with Universal knowledge, and reduces the "upstream struggle" during new endeavours. Additional Information on Angelite:- Science & Origin of Angelite – Taken from Crystal Angelite also known as Blue Anhydrite is a mineral first discovered in 1989 by J.I. Koivula and R.C. Kammerling. Anhydrite, which is only found in Peru, is an anhydrous calcium sulphate mineral that can associate itself with Calcites and Halites. This stone mainly crystallizes in the form of masses and is rarely seen in crystal form. You can find this stone on the market in the form of massage wands, animal carvings, jewellery and eggs.
Meaning & Energy Angelite is a very high vibrational stone that activates and aligns our throat, third eye, and crown chakras. This stone will help attune oneself to a higher frequency, which helps connect both their guardian angels and spirit guides. Using this stone as a meditation tool will help transmit and vocalize (into the physical plane) the knowledge in which you absorb through the third eye and crown connection.
Angelite is a very powerful communication stone when it comes to connecting to other realms and frequencies. As you work with this stone repeatedly, you’ll notice your inner vision becoming more vivid. Your dreams will be easier to understand, allowing you to be more in touch with your psychic abilities and how to channel them.
Psychic Abilities & Dream If you’re someone that is trying to activate your own unique psychic abilities, we recommend working with Angelite alongside other high vibrational stones. Angelite will assist one during lucid dreaming attempts, especially if you place the stone next to the pillow you sleep on. By strengthening your connection to the dream realm and other dimensions, one will become more attuned to this frequency. During this time dreams will be more controllable, with each little message having a symbolic meaning behind it. You will naturally pick up on these signs and their meaning, as opposed to someone who doesn’t remember their dreams.
Angelite is also a calming stone that can help alleviate overwhelming emotions. Simply holding a piece will induce a soothing sensation that slowly works its way throughout the body. Carrying a piece of Angelite daily will increase one's aura with calming vibrations that can block away negativity that comes your way.